Friday 28 January 2011

That Friday Feeling

Oh my days.

Today, everyone in the orifice forgot their Friday feeling.

I arrived singing, pleased for the finale........... to be greeted with hells playground.

Colleagues moaning, colleagues making endless coffee's, chatting in the kitchen, then moaning some more about how they might lose their jobs....'how about you actually spend time doing your job and then you may stand a chance of keeping it?????????'

Talking of spending more time doing your job......I'll Have One (please see first blog for context), has been on a diet for as long as I can remember. I'll Have One spends most of her day eating (as opposed to doing what she is paid for) and then wonders why she hasn't lost any weight.

This morning when I arrived and I'll Have One was eating. Not a crime in itself but definitely very offensive in this instance.

First it was the fist full of biscuits, just to dip in the first coffee. Then it was the Super Noodles.....ate with a she was in a restaurant eating din dins.....then it was a packet of fast as lightening. I think she caught me looking, because she mumbled something along the lines of 'ooooh I must stop eating' as she grabbed for a clementine, and another two biccy's.....

The afternoon took the sails outta my crunchie Friday feeling. Seriously. I felt worn down, everyone is so depressed....not even a custard cream could lift the mood.

I came out feeling so drained. I wanted to slit my wrists.

Tonight I am having a beer to compensate, and I am sat watching some really dumb TV show where a guy meets a girl. It's a load of toss! Where are the good old comedy shows on a Friday night? I hate game shows, its all so cheesy fake....

Coincidentally, I am texting two people who are trying to date me. I am trying to ignore them but they are persistent (in a very different way to Persistent!!!). I need to learn to tell people to back off......

Coincidence at work I was told I am too nice........This made me angry and I am half tempted to take this out on these guys that are persistently pissing me off.

So, I made a decision to be less nice today just to see how it pans out......I will update with the consequences.....

Happy Friday. x

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