Tuesday 18 January 2011

Jump In


OK, here is my new blog. I have been inspired to write a journal of my mundane office activity, mainly because some days, I get home, and just can't believe what the fuck I have to put up with..... :)

I want a journal of my activity over the next year or so.......so i don't have to attempt a half hearted new years resolution to drink less (so as to increase odds of actually remembering what the hell I have been up to) and thus facilitate the embarrassing furore come next Christmas when I chat with my cronies around the twiglet table and can't recount one thing I have done that year which isn't littered with:

Me: 'can't quite remember where I saw the 3 legged horse...but'
Disapproving Fringe Family Member: 'were you out drinking..'
Me: 'oh noooo, I only really drink at socials, it just seems so long ago...'

Both: 'Bollocks' (I put 'Bollocks' in speech marks to denote the fact that despite this never being said out aloud.......)

....I won't need to make such a spoil sport resolution.... if I can check in every so many days to look back at what I have written....almost like the log books sailors and hikers use for tracking their movements....so I can go back to my memoirs in an emergency situation to work out where things went wrong...... or take a few steps back and start over..... like pressing the back chapter button on your DVD remote control.....to go back over the bits I missed when I was busy topping up my glass........

I love life, even my job, and I find humour in drama most of the time. So I wanted to blog about my antics......just to keep tabs on myself....and 'check in' ..now and again.........

Listened to an old song last night......Fuck Forever by the Babyshambles............

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