Saturday 22 January 2011

Friday's Stalker Lady

I have this problem at work. Some of you may think it isn't a problem, and by and large, it isn't one of my biggest, or most painful but I think it has potential.

Some of you may even think I am being rather silly. But it bothers me...every now and then it pops up. When I say 'it'...I am actually referring to my colleague.

I guess this colleague needs a name and as Stalker Lady seems a bit harsh........I shall here forth refer to her as Persistent..... Persistent because what happened Friday appears to happen again and again........situations where I am quizzed and rail roaded into something I have no way of getting out fulfil something for Persistent that I am not quite sure of yet!

I have a love/hate relationship with Persistent. Like yesterday. AM = Love, PM = Hate.


I made morning drinks for Persistent and I and she left me to my work in peace for much of the morning.

I became way more excited as the morning grew old and that funky Friday feeling was seeping in. I was excited by the fact that I for once, had Friday evening all to myself.

At diet coke break, I purred to Persistent about it, 'perhaps I will get a takeaway, a couple of beers, and snuggle down to a movie'. She could see how much I was looking forward to this, or so I thought.

I swooned over the details of what I had planned, whilst Persistent asked seemingly innocent questions about my wanderlust 'what takeaway? where do you order? do you get delivery? what time? straight from work? starters as well? oh my. How many beers? (she frowns when I say two = dismay/disapproval ! ).

I have fallen for this trick before, and every time I completely miss the cunning hunt. Knowledge is power, so it is said, and Persistent uses her new found knowledge to check mate me up.

Now, I enjoy nothing more then a weekend to myself with no plans. It doesn't happen often and I dream about it like it is a holiday destination. I had had a busy week at work, and a bad week of sleep deprivation (please see earlier blogs re: broken heart). The dream usually consists of a relished thought of watching a good movie whilst laid flat on my rug, propped by a few pillows and a couple of beers to wash down my movie snacks. So, this is what my excitement was fuelled by yesterday, and come 4pm I was biting at the bit to race out of that office.....

So, as usual, schools out, 4.30pm. I jump into the Bat Mobil with Persistent in the passenger seat talking in monotone. Then as I drop her off and bid good weekend, I was long roped right off of my saddle into the sunset. After some secret consultation with her partner (post order of 'wait here a second'), Persistent returned with a fabulous idea!!! 'Partner and I are having takeaway for dinner too (there's a suprise!), why don't you go grab your beers and we have takeaway together' ......... how how how do I respond to this? Like a stone thrown at me through the passenger window, I wanted to close the window up accidentally so as to pretend I can't hear and drive off. I thought I had made it clear I was having an evening on my own.

Now, in retrospect what I should have said was, 'hey, nice offer but I fancy a quiet evening alone' (just a thought, am I a saddo/geek???). But on the spot, all I could think of was 'are you sure? ok'. An excuse would have been helpful, but I didn't even have one to hand. She new I was doing nothing much, she had already quizzed me earlier. I couldn't think of anything worse...I like to eat my takeaway alone so I can munch, dribble, pick with my fingers, swig at my beer, maybe belch out a chorus if I so please. Given that Persistent and Partner do not drink pop, and, look down on anyone that does....I was not even going to enjoy my deserved beer come bottle popping time (I am sure some of you can appreciate the importance of Fridays First Cold Beer....the setting for which has to be just right). Worst still, there would be the walk home, facilitated by Persistent Partner, with awkward small talk, and probably a grudgingly given goodbye hug as I rush up my foot path..... am I mean????

As I drove off to collect my beer. I got angry. To you all this may seem a little OTT, given that it was just an invite for dinner, but Persistent has got me this way before. What may seem something in the region of paranoia, actually stems from previous entrapment's and suffocation.

I got so angry I new I couldn't actually go through with the dinner plans. I couldn't even bring myself to call with a lame excuse. I texted something meaningless.....

Suffocation may also seem to be rather dramatic.....but believe me...... I have known Persistent for approximately 3 months. In that time, I have met her mum, received no less then 11 'cute' gifts, and an indecent number of frowns following my quiz each Monday morning about my weekend frolics (seriously, I don't know why she asks so many questions when she doesn't like to hear the answers). I have been to dinner mmmmm two times, both times 'enjoying' hours, spent going through endless photographs of here, there and everything.

It is so tricky. Persistent doesn't take rejection very well, and there is an underlying case of serious depression. But how do I move away gently? when it seems that the further I step away the tighter the noose gets???


Was thus filled with busts of anger. It simmered later following Fridays First Cold Beer, but it was tainted.

So, First Friday Night Beer, is, for one weekend only, being moved, for a Saturday night slot.

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