Thursday 31 March 2011

Saying Goodbyes

I have always found saying goodbyes very awkward. I am sure many people do.
Goodbyes put me on edge. I hate them.

When I was younger, I stood firm against my belief that you should never say goodbye, and most certainly promise to 'see you later'.

Don't be dismayed at good-byes, a farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends'
Richard Bach.

I never did teary goodbyes, I whole heartedly believed that it wasn't necessary. Bach's words made sense.
I was so positive, sure and confident about this.

Today there were some serious goodbyes in quick succession. And it made me think, that goodbyes are much more difficult now. I have been lucky to make many friends over the years, and fortunately all worth their weight in gold. But I have also been unlucky in that some of these friends have slipped away from me.

I wonder, as I have got older, I am more realistic about relationships, and what to expect. In some ways, this is better, because I am no longer living in some sort of perfect world, but in another way it makes me sad. To realise that some people come and go, never to cross your path again. That hurts.

Goodbyes mean more to me now and I find it more difficult to let go.

Today was a sad day, because I let go of a few good ones..... but I will always have the memories.

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