Wednesday 16 March 2011

Brown Nosing

 Is it wrong to hug your boss?

Today, someone tugged at my heart strings and I wanted to give them a massive hug, head to breast stylie.
I have been known to do this on occasion which is bizarre, as I am the least tactile person in the world....however, when the chord rocks deep, its like my emotions go into protective overdrive and a grip like hug is busting to get out.

I recall on New Years. A friend of mine ( AKA Love of My Life), was totally over whelmed by the fact that she was in love with someone so much that it made her want to cry. This jolted my emotions into overload..... 1/ because I am totally in love with her and I had to hide the pain of the punch & 2/ My friend confiding in me like I had never experienced before, breaking new boundaries. Despite my drunken haze, my mind in rapid response realised that I had to snap out of this crush I had and treasure the friendship which we had found. And in that moment, I made for the head to breast hug.........

The head to breast hug was very right at the time, and so I am told....very comforting. I rarely hug, but when I feel the urge, it is quite a pull and I totally mean it from the bottom of my heart.

So today, I had The Urge.

My job, can be crazy at times, and on occasion you can catch sight of someone who has just about had all they can take. Usual symptoms present as glazed, colourless eyes, heavy slow footing, and a hunched, shrunken posture, possible set when the wind changed.

Today, this person was my boss. She fumbled by me in the corridor and I could sense her angst so acutely that I wanted to hug the troubles away.

I wanted to perform the head to breast hug manoeuvre.

My instinct was to place my hand on her shoulder...had I been less reserved (whether appropriate or not) I would have gone for it. Instead I left it with the hand on the shoulder and a mumble of some delicate words. A small flicker of comfort flash flooded the face before normal service resumed.

It broke my heart that someone could feel that troubled, and I just wanted to hug it all away for a minute. I felt bad that I wasn't able to find some way of communicating an equal amount of warmth without using such physical contact. I racked my brain for anything else which I could do to help = Zero.

Is it appropriate to hug my boss so full on? perhaps with a slight adjustment on the head to breast...maybe head to crook of the neck/shoulder.......???????


  1. when i go in for the hug and see that it is unwelcome, i usually instead tackle them to the ground. when they ask why i did it i just say that a deadly nuclear missile narrowly turned their noggin into dust and i saved em. so all my bases are covered.

  2. i like your suggestion, i may try this tomorrow, anything goes on a Friday..... :)
