Saturday 26 February 2011

Quantum Hop Skip Jump

A sequence of events this week made me stop and bark the usual at myself...... if only I hadn't done that......

case 1: time sheet filled incorrectly, paid, incorrectly. If only I hadn't rushed to put that through.......I wouldn't be looking so incompetent and chasing in wanderlust.
case 2: texted the 'love of my life' on a whim, when I only 7 hours before I had vowed to do anything in my power to move on..... now once again, looking incompetent (at deleting my obsession) and most certainly more chasing in wonderlust.
case 3: agreed with the 'love of my life' to go on a trip of a life time (what the fuck hell?), further evidence of incompetence at living my own life and making my own decisions, and further proof that I plan on continuing my impossible chase in wanderlust.........

The problem is she is wonderlush...... but that is besides the point.....

I have spent many hours trying to fight these thoughts, trying to force my mind to think about what I want to do, make plans that are mine and not someone elses dreams for a change..... I'd manage......

dream #1: live in Barcelona
dream #2: take beautiful photo's of the world
dream #3.... mind drifted and didn't quite get there.....

It got me thinking....where would I be now if I had made different decisions somewhere along my way.....

What if I had taken that job in Germany last year? I would have lost touch with the love of my life for sure....I would possibly be speaking another language and dating Europe......
What if I had signed up for that course last year? Would I have had my own business by now?

Then I turned to the second coming for answers.....Google, The Messiah.......

I hopped skipped and jumped Google stepping stones, and teetered on Quantum Jumping........

'Every decision you make in life causes a split in reality' ( - Wow....Crazy to think there is another couple of Me's out there living in parallel. I wonder if they have the same hair style? mmm.... do they eat pie for breakfast? mmmmm how exciting..... so last night ....i went to bed dreaming.......of all the lives I lead......

Quantum Jumping.........slated on lots of forums, but put me on a different planet for a few hours....made me happy............Is this stuff all fluff????? I googled on for hours...........

So today, I could have gone to the gym and the shops......instead I went to the book shop and picked up fish and chips for dinner on the way home....... could offer v.different paths..... if I had stuck with the gym option, I could, improve my chances with the love of my life, the abs effect....... instead.....the chips won......and also, possibly my path to freedom...... the first thing in a while that I haven't done with the chosen one in mind......... result :)

Happy Saturday

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